Monday 4 November 2013

Survey and Results

We created two surveys using SurveyMonkey that we asked people from Baldock and the surrounding areas to take part in. The questions we asked related to how happy people were with community areas in Baldock and what could be improved. The surveys contained the same questions, however one was for all ages and the other for teenagers, as we wanted to study what our target audience thought in particular and how our we could make our campaign appeal to them as much as possible. Below are links to both surveys:
All Ages (X)
Teenagers (X)


The majority of teenagers we asked were between the ages of 13 and 16, however we got responses from a mixture of ages. Roughly half the people we asked were male and slightly over half female. We promoted the survey through Facebook and asked that only people who lived in or nearby Baldock took part, so that we got the best answers possible.

The first question we asked was where did people like to spend their free time in Baldock, so we could see what kind of places they like and what they enjoy doing. The most popular place was Avenue Park, which shows that teenagers enjoy meeting up at the park, even though later on in the survey they criticised it. Tesco's, Costa Coffee and the Community centre were also very popular, as was Ivel Springs which shows that green space is fairly important to our target audience. 

Our next question was if they were satisfied with the existing community areas in Baldock. 66% of the people we asked were unhappy, and when we asked why, we received responses such as 'boring' and 'There aren't enough places for teenagers, the parks are really babyish'. In our other survey, everybody we asked was happy with the community areas, highlighting how it is only teenagers who feel this way and need something. 

We then further asked what we could do to make Baldock more appealing to teenagers. Some of the replies included: 

  • "Have more shops"
  • "More hidden benches/ tables etc to hang out at"
  • "Skate park"
  • "A swimming pool or cinema"
  • "More concerts, closer places to go, and in general something to actually do in Baldock"
  • "A skate park"
  • "Cleaner pathways"
  • "Cinema"

Our final question was what areas would they like to be regenerated for their benefit if possible. The most popular answers were the town hall and Avenue Park, despite the fact that it was refurbished in 2012. This was to make it more appealing to younger families and many teenagers now consider it too childish to visit.

We asked people in person as well as through SurveyMonkey and filmed their responses. This is a compilation of our results.

1 comment:

  1. Detailed and varied research to gain a full understanding of her target audience.
