I like the use of images and videos with simple text and statistics that reinforce what the voiceover is saying- if I choose to make a documentary I would like to try something similar.
This video has some good ideas of things to look at in the local area that need regenerating and how to get people interested in my ideas.
This is Avenue Park, the main park in Baldock- it is used by families and young children, and there is nothing there of interest for teenagers.

I think that Baldock would benefit from an area for teenagers to relax and meet up with friends- there is nowhere in the town for older children. The field opposite Hartsfield JMI School could be regenerated into an area for teenagers.
The pictures above were taken around five years ago, when the park was in relatively good condition, and was used by lots of local secondary school students, especially for football. Now, the field is in a bad condition- the field is more muddy than grassy, the football pitch lines are faded, the bushes are badly kept and the goalposts are wonky and rusted. There is also a small building at the edge of the field, previously used by the football players and then a darts club, however it is now abandoned. The football pitch could be redone, the greenery tidied up and the building renovated- it could be rented for small functions in the summer, and there is room for a small skate area. It is practically in the centre of the town, so people would know about it.
Target Audience
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